Woman looking at blackboard with diagrams and a big question mark, she's probably wondering how many woman owned businesses there are in Greenwich CT

How Many Woman Owned Businesses exist in Greenwich?

Gathering data on woman owned businesses in Greenwich would be easy if every business were registered. But woman-owned businesses are more diverse and often start off or even stay (by choice) under the radar of the Secretary of State.

While there are over 375 registered, verified woman-owned business in Greenwich, there are many more we'd like to identify. Some of those are DBAs and some are registered out of state for tax purposes. We want to know about those businesses too, if their owners live in Greenwich, CT.

Below is a snapshot of the number of Woman Owned Businesses REGISTERED in Greenwich, by zip code. We're hard at work verifying and connecting with each and every one of them.

Help us complete our list - tell us about a Greenwich-based woman business owner or non-profit leader you know and we'll email them some information about us.

Many Thanks to Greenwich Library and Peterson Business Librarian Siobhan Schugmann for helping us source our data.

The Data

Registered Woman Owned Businesses in Greenwich

Old Greenwich: 39

Riverside: 23

Cos Cob: 40

Central Greenwich: 225

Back Country: 53

Total Woman Owned Registered Businesses: 380

(LLCs, C & S Corps, Partnerships etc.)

*Source: ReferenceUSA

Un-Registered Woman Owned Businesses in Greenwich

We know that many women who live in Greenwich own businesses but aren’t registered. They’re invisible.

These are businesses that are DBA’s, just starting out, or haven’t decided what to be. They could also be registered elsewhere - Delaware or the Bahamas.

We estimate, based on the status of our current members, that there are about 150 ‘invisible’ woman owned businesses in Greenwich, CT.

Be counted, join us, or simply email us with your company information. Become VISIBLE.